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A collection of pictures and memories in the life of a very unique girl

Monday, June 7, 2010

Finally, some pictures!

I've been doing photo editing :) ALSO: (this is an edit) PLEASE VOTE ON WHICH PICTURE YOU LIKE BEST!!!!!!!!! I am trying to decide which one to enter in the Fair in the Photo Editing category. THANKS!

<-- from the story of Joseph

<-- this is the original, the above is an invert

so true! -->

<-- love this one!

<-- not sure why it's sideways............

i LOVE this one!!! -->

<-- again, not sure why it's sideways.........

<-- officially cool

this one is really cool and i hate that it's sideways - oh well -->




Joanna said...

wow Meghan. These are really cool. Did you do them? Thanks for sharing them.

Carrie said...

These are neat, Meghan! How did you do the rainbow one?

Meghan said...

yes, I took and edited all of the pictures. the rainbow one was a picture that I took of some colorful new shirts, then I used "dents" in paint.net, then "radial blur," then "text" for the words. :) long process, but fun :)

Joanna said...

WOW!!! I LOVE the one with the leaves and the time one(s). They all are amazing though! I would never be able to do that!!!

Meghan said...

thanks :) It's not too hard..... any favorite verses that you would want to see on a picture? :)

Robomaster said...

wooow i like the stand in the rain one best, but my second favorite is probably the rainbow one :)

chichi <3